Running competition's

“Apkārt Cēsīm”


Target:  To popularize running as a useful way to spend time among youth and adults.


1. To determine the fastest runners in the 5 km and 10 km distances in various age groups;

2. To determine the best teams in 5 km (youth) , open (without awarding), and in the 10 km distance;

3. To offer the opportunity for the youngest generations to partake in the childrens' distance;

4.  To encourage healthy lifestyle and popularize Cēsis county as a center for sports and active lifestyle.

Time and place – Streets of the town of Cesis. The run starts on Palasta street (Palasta iela) next to the Cēsis castle park, the finish - in the Cēsis castle park at the open stage. Beginning of the competition: April 27th, 2024, at 11:00 - children's race, 11:30 - 5km, 12:15 - 10km.

Competition management – Competition is organized and lead by Municipality of Cēsis county in cooperation with sports club "Ašais". Main referee - Austris Āboliņš. klubs@sk-aš, tel. - 26 180 160

Participants – Runners from Latvia and other countries in the following age groups:

  S,V 10 children's race in the park (~500m long)   Born in 2014 and younger
5 km 

Born between 2013 and 2014


Born between 2011 and 2012


Born between 2009 and 2010


Born between 2007 and 2008


 Folks group - without rewarding
10 km 
S, V elite
 Born in 2008 (U18)  and older
S, V40 Born between 1975 and 1984
S, V50  Born between 1965 and 1974
S, V60  Born in 1955 and older

Competition's rules - Competition's participants must run along a marked track. Shortening of the distance (running out of the marked track or the use of a different road/path) will result with the disqualification (DQ!) of the participant. If a participant is late for their start, their time is started from the start signal. Participant's number must be attached to the front of their sports (competition) shirt with four clips! The corners and sides of the race number must NOT be folded!

Race tracks - 10km race is certified and competition added to World Athletics road race calendar! Certificate - HERE!

Evaluation - In each age group and gender the winner is the participant with the fastest time of track completion in their respective distance! The rest of the participants take places correspondingly to their results in order from fastest to slowest.

In the 10 km distance there is a battle for the traveling cup in the team rating. Each team has 2 men and one woman. The team with the lowest sum of points wins. In case of equal points, a higher place for the team with higher individual positions.

Attention! Team application must be sent in a separate form upon registration!

Applications - Application for the race and the participation fee is done electronically until April 26th, 2023, 12:00!  The numbers will be handed out at the center of the race!

Participation fee - Participation fee in this competition: children's race - 5 euros, 5 km - 10 euros, 10 km - 15 euros. For pensioners - 12 euros. If the participation fee isn't payed after the registration, the participant isn't allowed to start in the race. If a participant fails to show up and participate in the race, participation fee is not refunded.

Awards - Medals for each finisher! In the 5 km distance the 1st to 3rd place in all age groups and both boys and girls are awarded: A special medal, prizes from our supporters and a money prizes from the supporters of Sports club "Ašais" (find below).

In the 10 km distance the 1st to 3rd place in all age groups both men and women are awarded: A special medal, prize from our supporters and a money prize (find below). In the teams 10 km evaluation - traveling cup and it's copies.

Money prize distribution:

5 km10 km
Age group
Money prize
Money prizes
(Women, men)
U12/U14/U16/U1830 euros
1st place
250 euros
20 euros
2nd place
150 euros
10 euros
3rd place
100 euros

4th place
70 euros

5th place
50 euros

6th place
30 euros

For an outstanding result in the 10km there will be an additional 100 euro money prize for race record = Ladies - 33:10, Men's  - 33:01!

Ruling - Race is ruled by a dedicated team of referees. Electronic time recording system will be used.

Changes in the regulations - Competition's organizers are entitled to make changes and additions to the regulations by informing on

The procedure of submitting a protest - Protest in a written form can be submitted no later than 30 minutes after the last participants has finished.

Responsibility for disciplinary violations - Participants and also their representatives who don't comply with the rules of safety of other participants and people present, or disrupt the event in any other way, will be disqualified and expelled from the site of the event.

Responsibility for the state of health - The person in charge  (commanding organization) of the participant is responsible for the state of health (race readiness) of the participant. Individuals without a person/organisation in charge of them, themselves take responsibility of their state of health and race readiness! All participants and their representatives agree to comply with the national safety measures in accordance with regulation No. 662 "Epidemioloģiskās drošības pasākumi Covid-19 infekcijas izplatības ierobežošanai" of September 28th 2021. If for any epidemiological reason the competition can't happen, the competition will be moved to a later date.

Publicity - When applying for the competition, the participant and their accompanying persons (family members, friends) accept that photo and video materials that may contain them will be uploaded to the competition's website and other social media as well as used for other publicity needs!